Don't Take Your Eyes Off Your Goals
Posted by Robert Feeley on
Do you write things down so you don't forget them? I write things down and then I forget where I put the piece of paper. That is truly maddening!
But there's a solution!
Mark your goals clearly on a whiteboard and mark them off as they're accomplished. You probably won't lose the whiteboard!
Ask any successful person how they got that way and every one will tell you to set goals. And one of the most important things in setting goals is to write them down.
Entrepreneur Magazine offers these steps:
1. Set goals that motivate you
2. Set SMART goals.
3. Write down your goals.
4. Put a plan in action.
5. Work the plan.
Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company said:
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
We recommend Whiteboard In A Box because it is a versatile, inexpensive way to express your thoughts in a big, colorful way and not have to drill holes in the wall. Whiteboard In A Box is a self-stick shiny white adhesive film that adheres to almost any smooth, flat surface and it will not harm the surface below.